Because orphans are among the most devalued and abused in the African culture, and face such oppression, it is the mission of Revival and Hope for Children Programme to plant in the hearts of these Orphans that they are worthy. It is reported that Both girls wearing Clothes are much less likely to be abducted, abused or molested because the new pair of Cloth Covers them and shows that someone is Protecting Them.
Revival and Hope for Children’s Programme provide clothing and footwear to the Orphans and Venerable Children’s. Any clothing and footwear that you would donate it will be of great value to the needy children. The children are of all ages between 0 and 15 and so any clothing of an appropriate size and quality will be suitable, Jackets, Shorts, Trousers, shirts, dress are needed or Buy one set of Clothes from $15 for a Child Click below on Donate Button, We are Having Shortage of Clothes, Children are Sharing Clothes and Shoes no One say This is Mine, Please be Part of Clothing this Huge Family